Monday, October 02, 2006

Xigera.... Water and light

Xigera is in the Moremi Game Reserve in the Okavango Delta. It is a water world and the light creates ethereal reflections and striking images everywhere you look.

We explore either in a mokoro or by small motorboat. A Mokoro is a dugout canoe made from the trunk of a single tree. Rather, they used to be -- to preserve the large trees in the Okavango Delta mokoros are now made of fiberglass. They still look like wood but no splinters!

Fishing and transportation are still by mokoro in some areas.

Each of the islands interspersed through the Delta is a breeding ground for the bird, insect and animal populations. Birds abound.

Giraffes are as curious about us as we are about them. The first time I saw lions mating, which is a long and noisy ritual, we were surprised to see an inquisitive giraffe getting fairly close to the lions and peeking over the bushes to see what was going on!

Some islands are completely taken over by birds.

An African darter with a hungry mouth to feed.

Squacco Heron

Yellow-billed Stork

African spoonbill antics...

More territorial dancing this time from whiskered terns.

When these hippos decide they don't like us in their little corner of the delta, we take the hint and leave promptly.

It seems our rapid departure startles a few of the neighbors....

We watch a beautiful sunset take shape...

While photographing the sunset, Tony keeps prompting us to focus on the palms. They don't excite me as I see palms every day at home. I am more fascinated by the reeds.

Finally, I do. He is right.

But, it is time to head back to camp before darkness falls and the creatures of the night emerge!!

If I don't post for a while, it is because I am off on the next adventure. See you soon.



Traveler, observer and, on good days, wiser than the day before. Visit the Gallery at:

Taking flight...